
Monday, 31 May 2021


 Hello welcome back to my blog today I am going to talk about what we have done in art. We have done a lot we have made flip books and other stuff. My flip book was about two stick men who one of them tossed a rock at ones head. We also did a scenario choice witch we chose out of 3 different things Me and my group chose a alien thing, my group had me Ethan and Levi.   The next thing i  did was make stuff out of clay.

photo of work.

bye Thank for looking at my blog.

Friday, 28 May 2021

Lighting a Bunsen Burner


I want to find out how to safely light a Bunsen Burner.



  • Heat mat
  • Bunsen burner 
  • Matches or lighter
  • Safety glasses
  1. Get your equipment
  2. put on safety glasses
  3. Connect the hose to gas tap
  4. Turn the collar to close the air hole
  5. Light the lighter and hold it over the barrel
  6. turn the gas on
  7. turn the collar to open the air hole

Bunsen burner components


Thursday, 27 May 2021

Hur 2, 1 or 3

 Hello welcome back to my blog today I am going to talk about my protest and Parihaka work. We had to learn about what protest rules by rules I mean laws and stuff like that. There is a special law that takes care of the protest.  

Here is my work.


1. What is the name of the law that ensures we have a right to protest in NZ? the New Zealand Bill of

Rights Act.

2. When did soldiers invade Parihaka? Soldiers invaded Parihaka on 5 November 1881,

3. How many women signed the Women's Suffrage petition? The petition was more than five hundred

pages long and signed by over 25,000 women.

4. What is New Zealand's most famous hikoi? Maori land march.

VOCABULARY Using the glossary on page 10 and 11, explain the meaning of the following words: 

• suffrage. the right to vote in political elections.

• union. an organised group of workers that negotiates with employers for better pay and working


• watersider. a person who works on a wharf. 

1. Have you ever seen or been involved in a protest? I have never been in a protest that I know of. 

Thank you for looking at my blog.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Term 1 Reflection

Hello welcome back to my blog today I am going to talk about term 1 at school. 

In term 1 my highlights was playing sports with my friends on the sports days. I also liked sports because I dont have to do work on paper or my Chromebook. The challenging things was everything because I dont like doing work.

Thanks for looking at my blog.