
Monday, 7 December 2020


 Hello welcome back to my blog today I am going to talk/show you my work I have bean doing for health. We had to pick 3 Crises and write about them and then do one big Crises that you our going to do a lot of work about. I did 5 Crises and did plenty of information on each slide. I chose: Tourettes, Diabetes, Blindness, Heart Cancer and Covid 19. I did most of my work on Heart Cancer and Covid 19. 

Here is my work/link to my work.

Thank you for looking at my work. :)


Hello welcome to my blog post today I am going to shear about my work I have been doing. We had to choose and event that has happen. The event I chose was The 7 wonder of the world, yea I know that isn't a big event but it had Information. I also did one about the first car: like who it was made by and what it looked like. The Wonders of The World are: Taj Mahal, the Colosseum, the Chichen Itza, Machu Picchu, Christ the Redeemer, Petra, and the Great Wall of China. 

Here is my work/link to slide show.

Thank you for looking at my blog.