Hello welcome back to my blog today I am going to be talking and showing you work about the 2011 Christchurch Earthquakes.
This term so far we have been doing work on heroes, Along with that work we have been doing work on heroes of the 2011 Christchurch Earthquakes and who helped save people. We had to get information of some sites and of google.
When we first had to do the earthquakes I didn't think it was that bad and then I saw how bad it was and I was surprised that not that much people died. I am also surprised more of Christchurch wasn't destroyed and not only the city.
When the earthquakes happened I was really young and I was in kaiapoi with my mum and sister. My mum got me and my sister in the car after it stopped shacking and then drove over to my nanas. We then stayed there for a night and went back to see all the damages.
It was pretty bad, But OK now not about me here is my work.